Photo/Video Policy.

Policy/Waiver for the use of Video/Photography

When you enter Christ & Neighbor's facility or locations of sponsored activities, you are entering areas where video, photography, and audio recording may occur. Your presence signifies consent of the following waiver.
I, being the legal adult and/or parent/guardian hereby grant my consent and full release to Christ & Neighbor Church and its successors, to use any video, photographs, and/or audio media produced during my and/or my child/ward’s participation in approved ministry activities to promote and publicize the vision, mission, and values of Christ & Neighbor Church; and furthermore, I hereby consent that such videos, photography, or audio together with any plates, tapes, negatives, or other storage media from which they are made, are and shall remain the property of Christ & Neighbor, and that Christ & Neighbor retains the exclusive right to duplicate and reproduce such videos, photographs, or audio recordings from said plates, tapes, negatives, or other storage media free and clear of any claim whatsoever on my part, or that of my child/ward.
Christ & Neighbor Church works to be in full compliance with federal, state, and local regulations regarding the use of video, photography, or audio media with protected minors. It is, however, the responsibility of the legal adult and/or parent/guardian to notify Christ & Neighbor of any restrictions to the use of said media with their child, foster child, or ward.

Contact with any questions regarding this policy/waiver or to exclude your legal child/ward from this waiver.